Cost Benefit of Dental Implants

Cost Benefit of Dental Implants

Surprisingly, dental implants are more affordable compared to other tooth replacement options, especially when you consider long-term cost effectiveness and quality of life. The maintenance and repair of dental implants is minimal compared to dentistry on teeth.

Regular dentistry on teeth continually fails over time and progresses to larger restorations, root canals, crowns, then to a bridge, and finally to tooth loss. After numerous efforts and escalating costs from trying to save a doomed tooth, it is important to appraise if more dentistry on a failing tooth is worthwhile. The better choice is a dental implant which offers a lifetime of problem-free service and peace of mind.

Dental Implants: The Better Choice

Dental implants have enjoyed over 70 years of use in humans with the lowest failure rate of any medical device ever produced. Although it may seem like dental implants may be more costly at first, in the long run dental implants outlast teeth that are subject to dentistry after dentistry. Teeth are subject to cavities, fillings, crowns, root canals, gum disease and bite trauma, all adverse factors that lead to tooth loss. A dental implant is impervious to cavities, gum disease, never needs a root canal and can withstand greater bite forces and therefore provides lifelong health and function.

BOTTOM LINE: Dental implants are more reliable than teeth over time.

The Cycle Of Continuous Dentistry

Stage 1: of this cycle is a simple cavity that grows larger over time.

Stage 1

Stage 2: Results in decay removal and placement of a simple filling.

All seems well for a season and then one day the filling does not hold up.

Stage 2

Stage 3: Results in removal of the old filling and placement of a crown.

The crown seems fine for a season until it leaks underneath, and decay gets into the root.

Filling breaks down and now a crown is made.

Stage 3

Stage 4: Results in leakage underneath the crown and damage to the tooth nerve. Now a root canal is recommended and a new crown. The root canal shaping process weakens the tooth structure internally making it more susceptible to root fracture. Remember a root canal tooth is dead in your body and cannot repair itself.

Crown leaks and cavity forms with new infection leading to root canal.

Stage 4

Stage 5: Results in constant bite forces on the brittle root canal tooth, and leakage can occur under the crown infecting the root canal filling. This microleakage may lead to decay and tooth fracture. What’s unusual is that one day the tooth just breaks apart. No advance warning was detected because the decay was obscured by the metal and porcelain of the crown.

The brittle root canal tooth fractures (arrow) and is removed.

Stage 5

Stage 6: Results in removal of the tooth in which you paid for a filling, a crown, a root canal, and a new crown and an extraction. Now the dentist hands you the broken and decayed tooth and says, “It’s time for bridge”.

And all this happens to just one tooth! How many more teeth in your mouth are somewhere along this path?

Now the dentist recommends a bridge.
On two new teeth!

Stage 6

Dentistry Forever

Continuous dentistry from a cavity to a filling to a new filling to a crown to a root canal to a root canal re-treat and then the dentist hands you the broken tooth and says now you need a bridge…and the process starts all over again! This is called the gravy train of dentistry!

If you feel trapped in this never-ending unstable dentistry, you should consider dental implants for a stable healthy mouth.

Break the cycle of continuous dentistry by choosing a dental implant.

Dental Implants Are Lifelong

Dental Implants interrupt the process of continuous dentistry over and over without a stable healthy outcome. Dental implants bring health and definitive stability to your soft tissues, jaw bone, bite function, and support the adjacent teeth. Dental implants are not subject to cavities, never need root canals, never break, and are not subject to the traditional gum disease process.

When placed by a Board-Certified Dental Implant Expert, dental implants are a lifelong investment. And, unlike fillings, veneers, crowns or dental bridges, dental implants and the dentistry upon them do not normally need replacing with proper maintenance and care. 

What kind of dentist specializes in dental implants?

One of the big factors in the long-term cost-effectiveness of dental implants comes down to how it’s placed and the experience and education of the dentist who placed your implant.

During your initial consultation, it is always important to ask:

“Have you received specialist training in Periodontics or Oral Surgery and are you Board-Certified or credentialed by the American Dental Association National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties?”

There is a huge difference between regular general dentists who claim, “to do implants”, and a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist. After completing Dental School, a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist must also complete an additional series of rigorous requirements, from written and oral examinations to a review of their advanced clinical dental implant expertise by a panel of their peers, proving they have achieved the highest level of competence in both implantology and bone grafting. Only a small percentage of dental specialists are able to become Board-Certified in Dental Implant Dentistry. Board-Certification ensures optimal training, knowledge and exceptional care.

Do not take the Doctor’s training lightly: it could mean the difference between a successful and lasting result or it could become a short-lived throng of complications and failure with loss of your health investment. Please do your due diligence when you choose a properly trained dentist to insert dental implants into your jaws.

“A weekend course, mini-course or boot camp for general dentists does not compare to the 3-6 years of intensive training and experience gained during Dental Implant Specialty Training.

Dr. Bramanti is one of only 85 Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialists in California, out of the 20,000+ dentists who report they place dental implants.

Board-Certified Dental Implant Experts are Specialists who invest significant time and energy into dental implant-focused training, advanced bone grafting techniques, and scientific literature review above and beyond their basic dental and/or specialist education. Choosing the most qualified and highly trained clinician who is a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist will not only ensure the best treatment possible but will also provide peace of mind that you are truly in the hands of a highly trained Dental Implant Expert.

Advantages of Dental Implants

  1. One cost for dental implants – one time. Dentistry on dental implants will last for decades compared to just years on teeth.
  2. Initial costs versus total value. Initial costs for dental implants may seem higher than fillings and dentures, but over time the dental implants will hold  up disease free and provide a stable health with crowns, bridges and dentures that don’t move. No adhesives, no fixatives and no relines.
  3. The convenience value.Dental implant crowns conveniently do not get decay or need root canals like teeth requiring continuing inconvenient visits back to the dentist for repair. Dental implants provide the convenience of knowing that once the dentistry is complete, the dental implant will be problem-free, and also provides a functional convenience for dental implant denture and bridge stability.
  4. The health benefit. Dental implants support bone volume and prevent loss of jaw bones and facial structures. Further, dental implants are not subject to oral diseases that affect teeth and thereby offer a healthy alternative to failing teeth and rampant oral disease.  Dental implants improve chewing function offering better nutritional health benefits and confidence as you try different types of foods.
  5. The social comfort. Dental implants make wearing dentures much more comfortable and feel like you have teeth again. You feel whole again and enjoy eating, smiling, laughing confidently and without hesitation. You are no longer limited to a softer diet and are able to eat a broad range of complex foods, textures and tastes. The former lingering fears and embarrassment experienced before dental implants, will melt away as you enjoy your life to the full.

Bottom line:

Regular tooth dentistry and dentures carry with them escalating costs over time resulting in tooth fracture, tooth loss, declining quality of life and a compromised health.

Dental implants bring strength, resistance to diseases that impact teeth, no root canals ever, no pain, no cavities, no gum disease, no fracture, no new dentistry, and implants bring forth a stable oral health, better nutrition, improved quality of life, and peace of mind.

Because a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist has a thorough knowledge of all aspects of dental implants and treatment possibilities, Dr. Bramanti understands the big picture —  he is qualified and dedicated to putting your smile, your needs and your health first.

Why are dental implants the best tooth replacement option?

Disadvantages of traditional tooth fillings, crowns, bridges and dentures.

At first glance, crowns, bridges, root canals, dentures or removable bridges can appear much less expensive than dental implants, given their lower upfront costs. However, the full cost—both financial and emotional—of these options can run much higher than dental implants, for several reasons:

1. Continuous ongoing dental costs. Continuous dentistry on the same tooth over and over does not lead to a stable healthy outcome (cavity > filling > larger filling > root canal > crown > root canal re-treat > tooth fracture > tooth removal > bridge made on adjacent good teeth). Thus, the continuous dentistry process starts over on a bridge. Add gum disease and heavy bite forces to the mix and continued dentistry costs will only escalate over time.

2. Initial costs versus total costs. The initial price you pay doesn’t include the cost of continually repairing your tooth, root canals, replacing your crown, dentures or bridges, which may be necessary as often as every 5 to 10 years or less. It also doesn’t include the ongoing maintenance costs, such as patch ups, fixatives and adhesives and relines for dentures.

3. The convenience costs. Unlike your natural teeth or dental implants, you need to remove your dentures to soak and brush them, which can be a time-consuming hassle. I  addition, food debris may get stuck under your dentures and bridges making your appliances uncomfortable and annoying.

4. The health costs. Without a tooth or implant, your jawbone will begin to deteriorate, which can change your facial appearance making it look sunken in, giving you a premature aged appearance. Regular dentures are an artificial limb and cannot adequately replace lost teeth in form or function.

5. The social costs. Your sense of wholeness and wellness along with your esteem are affected every time you take your dentures out and look at your facial collapse in the mirror. Dentures can slip or click when you chew, laugh, talk or kiss, which can lead to embarrassment and frustration.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

After you get a dental implant, your dentist will give you a long list of dos and don’ts. This is perhaps the hardest part when it comes getting a dental implant. The one thing I always tell patients is that dental implants and tobacco do not mix. Tobacco and nicotine is firmly off-limits.

If patients don’t take this seriously, there’s a strong chance the dental implant will fail. Everyone knows that smoking and vaping is bad for you but a lot of patients don’t understand how it can affect something like a dental implant.

Smokers and vapers have a higher chance of developing peri-implantitis, which is inflammation of the gum and bone around the dental implant site. If left to fester, peri-implantitis can easily lead to a failed dental implant.

To ensure your dental implants last a lifetime, we encourage patients to stop using tobacco and nicotine in the months leading up to the surgery. It could mean the difference between keeping and losing your dental implants.

Your routine oral health practices are also very important and will influence the lifespan of your dental implant. It’s important to brush and floss at least twice daily. Resist habits like chewing on pen caps or using your teeth to open packaging.

To learn more about how to clean dental implants, select the following link:

A check-up is always important

Every six months, dental implant patients are asked to come in for a maintenance check-up.

The dentist will review your radiographs around the dental implant site and check the site in your mouth, while your hygienist will clean the implant area around the abutment and crown for any debris and plaque. The dentist may remove your fixed implant denture for cleaning and then replace the appliance at the same visit.  It seems like a small thing, but this regular appointment is very important for maintaining your dental implant’s long-term health.

We invite you to make an appointment with Dr. Bramanti for a personalized consultation

Dr. Bramanti has brought dental implant affordability to everyone in the Central Valley by offering the best price for dental implants placed by a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist. Dr. Bramanti has over 39 years of knowledge and experience and has placed more than 18,000 dental implants in his clinical career.

You are invited to come and find out why over 10,000 Valley Resident have chosen Dr. Bramanti, Fresno’s Premier Dental Implant Expert, for their affordable dental implant dentistry that lasts for a lifetime.

Board-Certified Dental Implant Experts are specialists who invest significant time and energy into dental implant-focused training, advanced bone grafting techniques, and scientific literature review above and beyond their basic dental and/or specialist education. Because Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialists have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of dental implants and treatment options, they understand the big picture — and they’re dedicated to putting your smile, your needs and your health first. Choosing the most qualified and highly trained clinician who is a Board-Certified Dental Implant Specialist will not only ensure the best treatment possible but will also provide peace of mind that you are truly in the hands of a highly trained Dental Implant Expert.