University-Level Excellence

Dr. Bramanti brings an unparalleled blend of academic wisdom and clinical expertise to his patients. Dr. Bramanti was trained in the National Institutes of Health, Dentist-Scientist Award Program, which has a rich history of scientific, educational, and clinical advancements, receiving national recognition for University-Level Excellence.

This unique program develops clinical scholars for careers in clinical practice, teaching and research through excellence in education, patient care and scholarship, emphasizing the art and science of periodontology, implantology and regenerative medicine.

University-Level Excellence

As a Dentist-Scientist, Dr. Bramanti serves as a professor at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) providing contributions of public service, leadership, masterful clinical execution, outstanding research, scholarship, and creative endeavors, which are all essential to the life of the University.  Presently, Dr. Bramanti provides clinical and academic instruction in the UCSF-Fresno Oral and Maxillofacial Residency Program. Dr. Bramanti is committed to sharing his vast academic knowledge and clinical experience with future generations of dental specialists as a Clinical Assistant Professor and  CRMC Attending Hospital Surgeon

Dr. Bramanti at the CRMC OR teaches the UCSF-Fresno Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents in the the art and science of implant dentistry and bone grafting.

University-Level Excellence is at the heart of Dr. Bramanti’s approach to clinical practice providing you with the most advanced and effective treatment innovations at the forefront of his profession.

You are invited to share your treatment needs and concerns with Dr. Bramanti and receive the clinical and academic wisdom that comes from the frontiers of University-Level Excellence.

Biographical Synopsis

Early Career

Thomas E. Bramanti received his dental degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Dentistry in 1985. He then trained in the Dentist-Scientist Program from 1986-1991 at the same university where he received a specialty certificate in periodontics and a Ph.D. in Microbiology. Dr. Bramanti was an Assistant Professor of Periodontology in the Department of Stomatology at the University of California San Francisco from 1991-1994 where he was  a lecturer, an attending surgeon for regenerative and implant therapy, researcher, student advisor and private practitioner. Dr. Bramanti left academia in 1994 to enter the private sector and now maintains a periodontal and dental implant practice in Fresno.

TMJ Expert Training

Dr. Bramanti attended the L.D. Pankey Institute for advanced training in comprehensive reconstruction, occlusion and TMD therapy from 1999 to 2004. Certification at the highest level was achieved attaining a TMJ Expert Specialist recognition.

Fresno Community Scholar and Educator

In 2010, he was appointed as an Attending Surgeon, Lecturer and Director of the Implant Program and the TMD Clinic in the UCSF-Fresno Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program.  In 2012, Dr. Bramanti was appointed as an Attending Surgeon and Lecturer in the UCSF-Fresno Community Medical Center Dental General Practice Residency. In 2019, Dr. Bramanti was appointed as a Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of California San Francisco and also Clinical Assistant Professor UCSF-Fresno Medical Education Program.

Fresno Community Outreach

Being an active participant in the Fresno community, Dr. Bramanti lectures and participates in programs at Fresno City College in the Dental Hygiene Program, local public schools, helps underprivileged students seek biomedical careers, and provides mission-based dental care to migrant workers. A love for student learning has always been central to Dr. Bramanti’s passion, having advised and mentored over 60 dental students and residents.

A Specialist Expert, Leader and Teacher

Dr. Bramanti has almost 40 years of experience in regeneration and implant dentistry having placed over 10,000 regenerative membranes and over 18,000 implants in his clinical career. He has trained and advised numerous dental specialists in implantology and regenerative techniques. He has also mentored many general dentists in periodontics, occlusion and comprehensive reconstruction.

Inventor And Biomedical Industry Expert

Interfacing with the Biomedical industry, Dr. Bramanti has engaged in translational research contributing to the development of new products and marketing approaches to bring regeneration and implant dentistry to the forefront of dental practice. These research efforts have also resulted in two U.S. Patents and have had a major impact in implant dentistry. Dr. Bramanti has an established record of executive experience and management spanning his career.

Expert Witness For Medico-legal Affairs

Dr. Bramanti has served as an expert consultant for over 20 years in legal matters related to dentistry and medicine.

A Lifelong Scholar

Dr. Bramanti has lectured locally, nationally and internationally on all aspects of periodontics including periodontal microsurgery and plastics, oral medicine, guided tissue regeneration, guided bone regeneration, advanced bone grafting, implant dentistry, peri-implantitis, comprehensive oral reconstruction, and principles of occlusion and TMJ therapy. Dr. Bramanti has numerous publications in both clinical and basic research journals as well as local periodicals.

Board Certifications And Fellowships:

Board-certified Diplomate American Board of Periodontology

Board-certified Diplomate American Board of Oral Implantology

Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry

Licenses And Certifications:

1985  Dental Licensure, Texas (Inactive)

1985  Dental Licensure, Central Regional States (Inactive)

1990  Certification, Periodontology

1992-present  Dental Licensure, California (Active)

1998  Certification in Microsurgical Training

1999-2004  Certification L.D. Pankey Institute

2013-present  Board-Certified I.V. Sedation Permit, California (Active)

2023-2025  Basic Life Support

2023-2025  Advanced Cardiac Life Support

2023-2025  Pediatric Advanced Life Support

US Patents And Trademarks

US Patents 2003/0190586 A1

US Patents 2011/07922488 C1

Method and Apparatus For Isolating A Work Object

Authors: Falk, TS and Bramanti, TE

Awarded October 9, 2003

Method For Isolating A Dental Implant

Authors: Falk, TS and Bramanti, TE

Awarded April 12, 2011

Original Manuscripts

1985 T.E. Bramanti, B. Boyan, L. Depaolo, and K. Etzel. Effect of zinc deficiency on bone mineral content in the adult rat. J. Dent. Res. 64:252.

1985 K. Etzel, T.E. Bramanti, A. Paloma, and B. Boyan. Conservation of bone zinc content during protein calorie malnutrition-induced zinc deficiency. J. Dent. Res. 64:252.

1987 T.E.  Bramanti, G.G.  Wong, A. Rasheed, and S.C.  Holt. Chemistry and biological activity of lipopolysaccharide from selected strains of Bacteroides gingivalis. J. Periodontol. 58:874.

1987 T.E.  Bramanti and S.C.  Holt. Characterization of the major membrane proteins of selected Bacteroides gingivalis strains. J. Dent. Res. 66:223.

1988 T.E.  Bramanti, G.G.  Wong, and S.C.  Holt. Biologic activity of lipopolysaccharide from selected strains of Bacteroides gingivalis. J. Dent. Res.  67:369.

1989 T.E.  Bramanti, G.G.  Wong, S. Weintraub, and S.C. Holt. Chemical characterization and biologic properties of lipopolysaccharide from Bacteroides gingivalis strains W50, W83, and ATCC 33277. Oral Microbiol. Immunol. 4:183-192.

1990 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Iron-regulated outer membrane proteins in the periodontopathic bacterium, Bacteroides gingivalis.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 166:1146-1154.

1990 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Iron regulation of growth, outer membrane proteins, and pathogenesis of Porphyromonas gingivalis strain W50. In Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Periodontal Diseases, San Antonio, Texas.

1990 S.C. Holt, R. Borinski, T. E. Bramanti, and A. Weinberg. Surface studies of selected  periodontopathic bacteria: possible role in virulence. In Abstracts of the International
Conference on Periodontal Disease: Pathogens and Host Immune Responses, Osaka, Japan.

1990 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Growth of Bacteroides gingivalis on different heme and iron sources and identification of a novel 26 kDa heme-repressible outer membrane protein. In Abstracts of the Second International Symposium on Iron Transport, Storage and Metabolism II, Austin, Texas.

1990 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Hemin regulation of growth and outer membrane proteins in the oral pathogen Bacteroides gingivalis strain W50. In Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, Anaheim, California.

1991 S.C. Holt and T.E. Bramanti. Periodontopathic microbiota: virulence expression and role in periodontal disease pathogenesis.  CRC Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. 2:177-281.

1991 L. Chu, T.E. Bramanti, J.E. Ebersole and S.C. Holt. Hemolytic activity in the periodontopathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis: kinetics of enzyme release and localization. Infect. Immun. 59:1932-1940.

1991 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. The role of porphyrins and host iron transport proteins in the regulation of growth in Porphyromonas gingivalis W50. J. Bacteriol. 173:7330-7339.

1991 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Iron regulated outer membrane protein expression and pathogenesis in Porphyromonas gingivalis: characterization of a novel 26 kDa heme-regulated surface protein. J. Dent. Res. 70:379.

1992 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Characterization of growth, outer membrane protein expression and virulence properties of Porphyromonas gingivalis in continuous culture. In Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Periodontal Diseases, Osaka, Japan.

1992 S. Ohgi and T. E. Bramanti. Human immunoreactivity against outer membrane antigens of Porphyromonas gingivalis grown in different environmental conditions. J. Dent. Res. 71:100

1992  T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Characterization and localization of the 26 kDa porphyrin (hemin) binding protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis. J. Dent. Res. 71:145.

1992 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Localization of a 26 kDa heat-modifiable hemin-regulated outer membrane protein in Porphyromonas gingivalis. J. Bacteriol. 174:5827-5839.

1992 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Effect of porphyrins and host iron transport proteins on outer membrane protein expression in Porphyromonas gingivalis: characterization of a novel 26 kDa hemin-repressible surface protein. Microb. Pathog. 13:61-73.

1993 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Hemin uptake in Porphyromonas gingivalis: Omp26 is a hemin-binding surface protein. J. Bacteriol. 175:7413-7420

1993 T. E. Bramanti. Effect of iron stress on the growth and outer membrane protein expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis: characterization of a novel hemin-uptake system. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

1993 T.E. Bramanti, S.C. Holt, J.L. Ebersole and T. Van Dyke. 1993. Regulation of
Porphyromonas gingivalis virulence – Hemin limitation effects on the outer membrane protein (Omp) expression and biological activity. J. Periodont. Res. 28:464-466.

1993 H.S.K. Yu and T.E. Bramanti. Hemin Uptake in Porphyromonas gingivalis is mediated by Omp26.  J. Dent. Res. 72:157

1993 T.E. Bramanti and S.C. Holt. Growth, outer membrane protein expression and virulence properties of Porphyromonas gingivalis in continuous culture. J. Dent Res. 72:178

1994  S.L. Lomeli and T.E. Bramanti. Heat Shock Protein Expression in Porphyromonas gingivalis. J. Dent. Res. 73:87

1994 T.E. Bramanti, N. Dekker, J.A. Regezi, and F. Lozada-Nur. Heat Shock Proteins and gdT-Cells in Oral Lichen Planus. J. Dent. Res. 73:121

1995 T.E. Bramanti, N.P. Dekker, F. Lozada-Nur, J.J. Sauk, and J.A. Regezi. Heat shock stress proteins and gd T lymphocytes in oral lichen planus. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Pathol. 80:698-704.

2000 A. Fettig, M.A. Pogrel, S. Silverman Jr., T.E. Bramanti, M. Da Costa, and J. Regezi. Proliferative verrucus leukoplakia of the gingival. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 90:723-30.

2006 T.E. Bramanti. Bite-induced oral disease. Fresno Mag. 8:56-58.

22007 T.E. Bramanti. Take the bite out of headaches, while regaining your smile. Valley Health Mag. 5:49-52.

2007 T.E. Bramanti.  A heartfelt problem: oral disease. Valley Health Mag. 11:63-66.

2008 T.E. Bramanti. Sinus headache: a migraine in disguise. Valley Health Mag. 5:65-68.

2009 T.E. Bramanti. Piecing together the puzzle of a headache. Valley Health Mag. 10:25-28.

2010 T.E. Bramanti. What everyone should know about dental implants. Valley Health Mag. 8:37-41.

2011 T.E. Bramanti. Dentistry that lasts: getting to the heart of your bite. Valley Health Mag. 8:11-15.

2014 R. YongS. Sandhu, T.E. Bramanti, R. JulianB Woo. A guided bone regeneration technique for vertical bony augmentation in the maxilla. J Dent. Implants 4:195-200.